Workers' Day: Hon Mato Congratulates Workers, Says They Are Pillars Of Development | News Proof



Workers' Day: Hon Mato Congratulates Workers, Says They Are Pillars Of Development

By Terfa Naswem

Former member of the House of Representatives for Vandeikya/Konshisha Federal Constituency in Benue State, Rt. Hon. Mrs. Dorathy Mato has congratulated workers on this day of specially acknowledging their impact on nation building.

Hon. Mato said workers are the pillars of development in Benue State, Nigeria and the entire world. She admonished them to remain steadfast in their service delivery as their respective roles in the development trajectory will never be forgotten.

"Workers' Day reminds us of the rich history and the vital importance of Nigerian workers; a day that symbolizes the struggle and the achievements of the working class in all categories. Since it resonates deeply with our collective commitment to advancing the rights of workers, the government and those involved must do the needful at all times", she said.

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