Real Reason Why President Trump Banned Some Islamic Countries Entrance To US, By: Terfa Naswem | News Proof



Real Reason Why President Trump Banned Some Islamic Countries Entrance To US, By: Terfa Naswem

Real Reason Why President Trump Banned Some Islamic Countries Entrance To US, By: Terfa Naswem
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States Secret Service, Homeland Security, Military Intelligence Corps, The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) among other intelligence agencies have the wherewithal to gather intelligence on any individual and organization effectively no matter how highly placed such an individual or organization might be. They also have the ability to successfully infiltrate any organization including terrorist organizations.

If anyone is suspected of being a terrorist, this is information or knowledge in its raw form. For this information to be understood, to have added value and to be evaluated in context to its source and reliability, intelligence gathering has to take place. After such intelligence has been gathered, analyzed, processed and produced, it can then be finally disseminated to the appropriate authority for further action.

My recent findings show that before Donald Trump formally announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, with a campaign rally and speech at Trump Tower in New York City; he had received information that Islamic State (ISIS), might be planning an attack on US soil which might take years to strike something that might be worse than Sept. 11 attacks and that most of them are from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia. Trump also received information that a lot of ISIS fighters had entered the United States as refugees from the banned countries with the intention of creating a terrorist network in the United States that will be more destructive than Al-Qaeda. According to the information, most of the ISIS terrorists entered US as refugees from Syria, Libya, and Yemen. The information shows that while some may be trained to carry out attacks, most will be there to provide sensitive information, materials and security that will lead to the success of the attacks.

Trump has ordered the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United State Secret Service, Homeland Security, Military Intelligence Corps, The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) among other intelligence agencies to place rigid surveillance on people from the 7 countries he banned and also collect a data base of all American Muslims to enable them monitor their activities to prevent link with ISIS and easily get hold of ISIS terrorists currently in America and those that might enter in future.

In the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, 2 from United Arab Emirates, 1 from Egypt and 1 from Lebanon. When President George W. Bush threatened to sanction Saudi Arabia and cut trade-ties with it, it was at this point that the Saudi Royal family stepped-up the fight against terrorism in which more Al-Qaeda terrorists were arrested in Saudi Arabia and handed over to the United States for further interrogations.

It was in line with these that Trump said during his campaign that: “We want to ensure that we are not admitting into our country the very threats our soldiers are fighting overseas. He said the same during his inauguration and his actions show that he meant all he said during his campaign.

I know that Trump really wants the American people to be protected from terrorists, and I also support his fight against terrorism but he should be very careful so that he does not take the “train off the rail” because what affects America on the international stage has a direct or indirect effect on Nigeria and other countries since America is the center for universal progress.

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