US Senator, John McCain Diagnosed With Brain Cancer; Clinton, Hillary, Biden Sympathize | News Proof



US Senator, John McCain Diagnosed With Brain Cancer; Clinton, Hillary, Biden Sympathize

By Dansu Peter

John McCain
Three former United State of America leaders have spoken on Sen. John McCain, 80, who has just been diagnosed with a primary glioblastoma, a type of brain tumor. 

McCain brain tumor diagnosis was confirmed by Mayo Clinic doctors directly involved in the senator's care, report according to CNN established. 

The doctors spoke directly to CNN Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta. The senator underwent surgery to remove a blood clot on Friday at Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix. Lab results from that surgery confirmed the presence of brain cancer associated with the blood clot. 

Reacting to McCain's brain cancer report are three prominent American leaders; Bill Clinton, his wife Hillary and Joe Biden. All took to their twitter handles to express their heartfelt desire for the senator's quick recovery 

Former US President, Bill Clinton took to his twitter handle @billclinton and said; "As he’s shown his entire life, don’t bet against John McCain. Best wishes to him for a swift recovery" 

His wife Hillary said @@HillaryClinton said, "ohn McCain is as tough as they come. Thinking of John, Cindy, their wonderful children, & their whole family tonight" 

Biden in his tweet @JoeBiden said, John and I have been friends for 40 years. He's gotten through so much difficulty with so much grace. He is strong - and he will beat this

CNN report says Glioblastoma is a particularly aggressive tumor that forms in the tissue of the brain and spinal cord, according to the American Brain Tumor Association. 

A pathologist was in the operating room during the procedure, a minimally invasive craniotomy with an eyebrow incision, said his doctor, who added that the surgery lasted about three to four hours. 

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