Congregation Shocked As Pastor Descended Into Church Auditorium From 'Above' ...Watch Video Here | News Proof



Congregation Shocked As Pastor Descended Into Church Auditorium From 'Above' ...Watch Video Here

Pastor Bartholomew Orr

A pastor has become a sensation on social media after he descended above into the church auditorium leaving congregation members amazed. 

Pastor Bartholomew Orr of Brown Baptist Church, Memphis left his congregation members shocked after he entered into the church building flying on a zip line.

The entrance which was perfectly in line with the message of the day “Jesus’ return” has generated a lot of reactions on social media.

Pastor Orr is now being dubbed “The Flying Preacher” after the video went viral on social media.

The pastor appears not to be bothered by social media reactions. He said he’s glad people are being reached by the sermon in the video.

Watch the video:

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