Global Amnesty Watch frowns at 'despicable' Congress siege, calls for retrospection of U.S' democracy | News Proof



Global Amnesty Watch frowns at 'despicable' Congress siege, calls for retrospection of U.S' democracy

By Dansu Peter 

The Global Amnesty Watch (GAW) has condemned Wednesday's siege on the U.S. Congress, describing it as "despicable" and an "assault on democracy". 

In a statement signed by its Director, John Tom Lever, on Thursday, the group said President Donald Trump showed lack of respect for democratic ideals by instigating and urging his supporters to assault the Capitol. 

According to Lever, the incident at the Congress affirms the retrogression of democracy in the U.S under Trump's watch. 

The GAW, therefore, noted that it is time for retrospection by the incoming administration led by President-elect, Joe Biden. 

He said the new government must improve the country's internal mechanism to guard against a repeat of the assault in its democracy as carried out by Trump and his supporters. 

The Global Amnesty Watch, however, advised the incumbent to seek forgiveness from the American people for bringing democracy in the nation to disrepute. 

It added that the actions of Trump remain despicable and must be condemned by all lovers of democracy all over the world. 

Read the full statement below: 

The Global Amnesty Watch views the events in the United States of America that culminated in the attack on the United States Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump as a most despicable desecration of democracy in the United States of America. 

By all indication, President Donald Trump has proved a lack of respect for democratic ideals by instigating and urging his supporters to assault democracy in the United States of America in its over 200 year's existence. 

The Global Amnesty Watch is of the considered opinion that the attempt to subvert the will of the American people by President Donald Trump must be condemned in its entirety. 

The Global Amnesty Watch, having followed the events in the United States of America wishes to state that the various actions of President Donald Trump do not reflect the attributes of a leader of the United States of America, which by all intent and purposes ought to serve as a role model in the preservation and entrenchment of democracy all over the world. 

Thus, it is our considered opinion that under President Donald Trump, the United States of America has degenerated and therefore cannot continue to posture as an example of democracy in the world. 

The unfortunate happenings since the conclusion of the presidential elections in the United States of America have brought out the defects in the model of democracy practised in the United States of America. 

This indeed calls to question some of the United States of America's stance in the preservation and entrenchment of democracy around the world and especially in the African continent. 

This much the Global Amnesty Watch has highlighted in some of its reports on the interpretation of the ideals of democracy across the world by some advanced democracies such as the United States of America. 

The Global Amnesty Watch uses this medium to reiterate that democracy around the world remains an experiment. Those at the forefront should do well to exhibit sincerity in the criticism of emerging democracies. 

The attack on the United States Capitol is indeed blighting on democracy in the United States of America. The incoming administration of President-Elect Joe Biden must begin the process of ensuring that the ideals of democracy are reenacted, and charity must begin at home. Not until this is done, the United States of America should desist from setting standards for interpreting and practice of democracy in the world. 

The Global Amnesty Watch further reiterates that democracy has been assaulted in the United States of America. Therefore there must be circumspection and retrospection in this regards by the institutions in the United States of America. 

The authorities in the United States of America must improve its internal mechanism to guard against a repeat of the assault in its democracy as carried by President Donald Trump and his supporters. 

The Global Amnesty Watch has indeed been vindicated by President Donald Trump's actions, which has been a constant feature in our numerous reports indicating a retrogression of democracy in the United States of America under the watch of President Donald Trump. 

It is hoped that lessons have been learnt with the events that culminated in the attack on the Capitol in the United States of America. 

The Global Amnesty Watch states that President Donald Trump must seek forgiveness from the American people for bringing democracy in the United States of America to disrepute. 

The actions of President Donald Trump remain despicable and must be condemned by all lovers of democracy all over the world. 

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