Group hails NEDC for exceptional service in north east | News Proof



Group hails NEDC for exceptional service in north east

...solicits international donors’ support for commission

By Dansu Peter 

The North East Peace Foundation (NEPF) has commended the North East Development Commission (NEDC) for its laudable intervention initiatives introduced in the region. 

The group gave the commendation on Friday in a statement titled 'NEDC: A Trajectory of Exceptional Service in North East Nigeria' and signed by its Executive Director, Achenyo Ogu. 

According to Ogu, the Commision's impact has been visible, fulfilling its mandate in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of roads, houses and business premises of victims of insurgency as well as tackling the menace of poverty, illiteracy, ecological problems and any other related environmental or development challenges. 

He noted that the NEDC has shown the capacity to undertake humanitarian activities with its record of excellent service delivery. 

The NEPF, therefore, called on international partners and donor agencies to support the NEDC with more resources. 

It noted that with enhanced partnership, the Commission will be able to achieve more and reach more Nigerians. 

While applauding the leadership for their commitment towards meaningful infrastructural development in the region, the group urged them not to be distracted by mischief makers. 

It noted that should this tempo be sustained, the region would experience tremendous growth and development in the years ahead.

Read the full statement below: 

The North East Peace Foundation, a critical stakeholder in the entrenchment of peace and stability in North-East Nigeria, commends the North East Development Commission (NEDC) for the laudable intervention initiatives introduced in states in North-East Nigeria.   

As a partner in the developmental project in North-East Nigeria, we are stating in unequivocal terms that the various interventions of the NEDC in North-East Nigeria have been impactful. They resonate with the mandate of the Commission in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of roads, houses and business premises of victims of insurgency as well as tackling the menace of poverty, illiteracy level, ecological problems and any other related environmental or developmental challenges in the North-East states. 

We wish to state that since the establishment of the NEDC, it has carried such quantum projects across states in North-East Nigeria, that by all indications, dwarfs the humanitarian adventures of International Non-Governmental Organizations in North-East Nigeria. 

It is sufficing to add that the NEDC has indeed proven that it has the capacity to undertake humanitarian activities when the records of its numerus engagements are scrutinized.  

The implication is that if all stakeholders extend to the NEDC the needed cooperation, the country, particularly the northeast, will be liberated from the destruction caused by the insurgency.

It is also a statement that the NEDC, since its establishment, has hit the ground running. This is laudable and a demonstration of the emphasis on excellent service delivery by the management of the NEDC. 

The North East Peace Foundation uses this medium to call on international partners and donor agencies to support the NEDC with resources to enable the Commission to do more in its various interventions in North-East Nigeria. 

It is our considered opinion that given the proper support from the government and development partners, the impact of the NEDC would be felt across the nook and crannies in North-East Nigeria. 

The North East Peace Foundation sees the NEDC as a trajectory in service in its contribution to peace and development in North East and Nigeria at large. 

We commend the leadership of the NEDC for the rare display of commitment towards bringing about meaningful infrastructural development in North-East Nigeria. It is, therefore, our candid view that should this tempo be sustained, North-East Nigeria would experience tremendous growth and development in the years ahead. 

We advise the leadership of the NEDC to stay focused and not distracted by activities of mischief-makers who have constituted themselves as clogs in the wheel of progress in the operations of the NEDC. 

The North East Peace Foundation would continue to render the necessary support to the operations of the NEDC in North-East Nigeria.


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