An Open Letter To The Benue State Governor-Elect, Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia | News Proof



An Open Letter To The Benue State Governor-Elect, Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia

Your Excellency,

I congratulate you on your well deserved victory as the Governor-elect of Benue State. Your victory is a symbol of a better Benue.

Your victory as the Governor-elect of Benue State has elicited the quantum of excitement that I have never experienced since I became conscious of my existence. It has brought unending waves of happiness that have penetrated every fibre of my being.

I supported and campaigned for you not because you are my uncle, but because I have faith in your probity, tenacity and refreshing candour to navigate Benue State to the trajectory of people-driven governance that will dispel the sadness in the people of Benue State.

The spontaneous happiness that elicited from the good people of Benue State when you were officially declared the winner by INEC was a sign that a NEW DAWN has come in Benue State and the people will be liberated from the bondage of abysmal and amorphous governance exhibited by the present Ortom administration which conforms to the intractable corrupt system that has characterised his government.

The people of Benue State are in bondage orchestrated by bad governance from those who are hankering for an excessive affluent lifestyle and have allowed their self-aggrandisement to suppress the progress and happiness of others.

There is no challenge in governance that is insurmountable once leaders who have the plentitude of compassion and willing to preclude bad administration from being experienced by his people are given the task to govern.

Being a governor is onerous because of the various responsibilities you will have to ensure that every aspect is covered and the people are taken into cognizance.

Everybody knows that you are a neophyte in secular politics and your first shot at the governorship election has given you victory. Based on your pedigree and antecedents, the good people of Benue State believe in you with their body, spirit and soul that the Messiah to redeem Benue State has come.

You are extremely loved by the people of Benue State. It is as a result of that love that made most of the candidates in APC to win their various elections. The Alia Effect!

Once you are sworn-in on May 29, 2023, your top priority should be to clear the backlog of salaries, pensions and gratuities. No matter the financial involvement, please ensure you do this. Most people I have interviewed as a professional journalist made it lucid to me that if you will clear these backlogs and make payment of salaries regular, even if you don't do well in other aspects, they will forever remain grateful and will reelect you to improve on other aspects.

As a Reverend Father, you should please govern by example that reflects the teachings you have impacted on countless people during your over 32 years of priesthood. Do not ridicule the Catholic church by bad governance. If you propagate bad governance, you will not only ridicule the Catholic church but will also mount a stumbling block for other Reverend fathers that might, in future, want to participate in various political positions in Benue State. 

Many supported, campaigned and voted for you because of the legacies of Late Rev. Fr. Moses Orshio Adasu who was the Executive Governor of Benue State from 1992 to 1993. They believe that since a Rev. father once governed Benue State and made commendable and memorable impact, you will also do same.

Please, since you have the alacrity to deliver on your promises, listen to those who share in your dream of transforming Benue State, and together, Benue will be transformed.

If you want your administration to function in the direction of the will of the people, please avoid excessive interference in your government. You know those who are competent to help your administration deliver the dividends of democracy. If there are forces who might want to impose unproductive people on your government as compensation, please do not allow that happen. That will be the beginning of your collosal failure. 

Those who have supported and campaigned for you in various ways but don't have the concomitant of leadership can be compensated by giving them appointments in areas that are not sensitive or other empowerment schemes.

When you award contracts, please ensure that you once in a while go to the sites personally to observe the progress of work so as to make contractors to have the impression that your government is serious for effective governance.

When Governor Samuel Ortom was elected Governor of Benue State, ten months after he was sworn-in, I saw the direction his government was heading to and was not pleased. I wrote an article titled, "Governor Samuel Ortom Please Do Not Fail The People Of Benue State". It was published on March 4, 2016. Unfortunately, he never listened to me and today, he is in political wilderness heading into oblivion and political irrelevance.

If you will hearken to my advice, I assure you that your government will be the best Benue State will ever experience and you will give the good people of Benue State the impression that Reverend Fathers are the best and should be allowed to continue to govern Benue  State.

God bless you!

Yours Faithfully,

Terfa Naswem

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