Good Mothers Always Have Positive Influence On Their Children When Such Children Love Them: My Late Mother In Perspective | News Proof



Good Mothers Always Have Positive Influence On Their Children When Such Children Love Them: My Late Mother In Perspective

By Terfa Naswem

I will always continue to appreciate my late mother Mrs. Grace Nguvan Naswem for her significant impact on my life. If not for her, I would have been a monster today.

When I was a kid, my late mother ensured that I walked on the path of righteousness. She had to register me in the Children Evangelism Ministry (CEM) of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Obudu, Parish, Cross River State when I was 8 years old.

While I was growing up, I had the tendency of being very destructive. My late mummy had to step in to make me a better person when I grow up. It was because of that, she had to monitor me closely and ensured I joined a Christian ministry so that I can receive the Biblical training that will complement the one she was giving me.

I loved my late mother very much so I tried to do the things that would make her happy. I made a lot of sacrifices of my desires to please her.

When I joined Fellowship of Christian Students (FCS) at NKST Sec. Sch. Adikpo and became the Bible Study Secretary, Evangelical Secretary and President, I did so not because I loved God. I did so for the sake of my mother. I wanted her to be happy. It was in doing so to please my mother that I later developed the genuine love for Christ Jesus.

My mom told me how she hated womanisers, smokers, and alcohol including other acts against her wish and the Bible. Because of her, I refused to smoke, drink alcohol and womanise. Deep inside me, I really wanted to do them, but for the love I had for my mother, I controlled myself.

I am a better person today because of my late mother. Even though I am not completely the kind of person she would have wanted me to be, my love for her prevented me from being a monster today and will forever remain grateful to her even in death.

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