BSEMA, Ministry Of Humanitarian And Disaster Management Receive British Red Cross, Sues For More Collaboration | News Proof



BSEMA, Ministry Of Humanitarian And Disaster Management Receive British Red Cross, Sues For More Collaboration

By Charity Agber

The Acting Executive Secretary, Benue State Emergency Management Agency (BSEMA), Sir. James Aondoakaa James Anodoakaa Iorpuu and the Commissioner for Humanitarian and Disaster Management, Hon. Aondowase Kunde today Friday, 15th September 2023, interacted with the British Red Cross in Makurdi where they solicited for more intervention and collaboration. 

Speaking earlier, the team lead of the British Red Cross, Mrs Emilie Guinier said their visit is to strengthen its collaboration with BSEMA and the Ministry which is  necessary in view of the importance of disaster management.

She thanked the Ag. ES BSEMA and the Honourable Commissioner for the warm welcome, accorded to them.

She further explained the number of interventions they intend to embark on in Benue State, while listing them, as in the following :

1: To help communities with wash and hygiene during flood and other disasters.

2: To strengthen the relationship between BSEMA and Red Cross to work together during emergencies.

3: Campaigns to sensitize flood and other disasters victims on hygiene and wash.

Mrs Emilie Guinier added that, in 2021, ECOWAS through the Red Cross supported Agagbe community with the construction of 12 blocks building, sank four(4) Boreholes and the donation of food and non food items.

The delegation expressed their intention to inspect those projects given to victims then and to know if they are still in good shape or needs rehabilitation.

They appealed to the Government to grant them land to build an office accommodation to help facilitate their work in the State and expressed their desire to grant the Governor of Benue State, His Excellency Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia as Patron of the Red Cross in the State.

Responding, Sir. James Iorpuu thanked the British Red Cross for their support to Persons of Concern in the State, stating that Red Cross were the first partners to identify with him immediately he assumed office.

He acknowledged their noble contributions to the IDPs, adding that it was through their suggestion that BSEMA invited International Organization for Migration (IOM) to lead the Biometric Data Verification of Internally displaced persons (IDPs) at the various camps and the host communities in the State. 

The Ag. SEMA boss requested the British Red Cross to be part of Governor, Hyacinth Alia's elaborate plans to resettle IDPs to their ancestral homes, noting that, their expertise and experience will be highly needed to succeed.

He further led the British Red Cross team to the Commissioner for Humanitarian and Disaster Management, Hon. Aondowase Kunde for briefing/another interactive session. 

Reacting, the Hon. Commissioner, Aondowase Kunde, commended the British Red Cross for their huge intervention to the persons of concern in Benue State and applauded their efforts in the ongoing biometric data verification of the IDPs, saying that, he was opportuned to visit Ortese IDP Camp and saw the huge role they are playing to help the Government actualize its dreams.

Hon. Kunde assured them of the Government's continuous support and promised to liaise with the Ag. BSEMA ES to convey their appeal to the Governor, that a piece of land is given to them for the building of their branch office, here in the State Capital.

Charity Agber is the Information Officer,
Benue SEMA.

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