Director, Women Affairs, Project Beyond 2023 Congratulates Special Adviser To President Tinubu On Agriculture | News Proof



Director, Women Affairs, Project Beyond 2023 Congratulates Special Adviser To President Tinubu On Agriculture

By Abubakar Yusuf

The Director, Women Affairs, Project Beyond 2023, Hajia Hafsat M.B. Usman has sent a message of felicitation to the new Special Adviser to the President on Agriculture, Hon Abiodun Yinusa on his appointment by the President.

The new Special Adviser who is also the Chairman, Board of Trustees, Asiwaju Project Beyond 2023, appointment was well deserved and purely on merit.

She lauded the President, Ahmed Bola Tinubu on the choice of Hon Abiodun Yinusa, while assuring that Nigeria's agricultural revolution will witness a high pedestal of performance during his stint. 

She described the new Special Adviser to the President on Agriculture as a goal getter and unique perfomer, given her records of public engagements and activities in the country.

While wishing him a successful tenure, the woman leader assured Nigerians of more policies and programs that will transform the country into food basket in all areas.

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