Orosanye's report: President Tinubu has demonstrated pragmatic leadership Nigeria requires - Reps member, Sesi Whingan  | News Proof



Orosanye's report: President Tinubu has demonstrated pragmatic leadership Nigeria requires - Reps member, Sesi Whingan 

By Dansu Peter 

Hon. Sesi Oluwaseun Whingan, the House of Representatives member from Badagry Federal Constituency has described President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the pragmatic leader Nigeria desires following the Federal Executive Council's approval for implementation of the Stephen Oronsaye's report yesterday, which called for a leaner government by merging some agencies and abolishing others. He described the president's move as courageous at this critical time to revive the nation's comatose economy.

Sesi made the statement in press statement released by his media team yesterday  

His words:

"It requires a determined and bold leader to take the bull by the horns, as President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has done with Orosanye's report, which preceding Nigerian governments failed to implement. Asiwaju has demonstrated that he is the pragmatic leader Nigeria requires in this critical time."

"The federal government received the Orosanye report 12 years ago, yet, no president implemented it despite the propensity of reducing government expenditure. This confirms President Bola Ahmed Tinubu's commitment to reviving our dying economy."

"I urge Nigerians to be patient with President Tinubu, as his policies are sincere and genuine steps toward economic recovery. It may be difficult to endure at this time, but let's trust the process; I am confident it will lead to Nigeria's greatness again." MHR Sesi's statement read in part 

The Federal Executive Council (FEC) has approved the implementation of part of the Stephen Oronsaye Panel report to merge some parastatals, agencies, and some commissions, while others will be subsumed, scrapped or relocated.

The decision was made at the FEC meeting chaired by President Bola Tinubu on Monday.

This, according to the Special Adviser to the President on Policy Coordination, Hadiza Bala Usman, is in line with the need to reduce cost of governance and streamline efficiency across the governance value chain.

Recall in 2011, the then President Goodluck Jonathan set up the Presidential Committee on Restructuring and Rationalisation of Federal Government Parastatals, Commissions and Agencies with Oronsaye as chairman.

In April 16, 2012, the committee submitted an 800-page report identifying, amongst several other things, overlapping agencies leading to a waste of government resources.

The report said there were 541 parastatals, commissions and agencies and recommended that 263 of the agencies should be reduced to 161, 38 agencies abolished and 52 merged.

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