National Productivity Centre Launches Corporate Enhancement Programme | News Proof



National Productivity Centre Launches Corporate Enhancement Programme

In a strategic move to bolster organizational effectiveness and foster a more vibrant workplace culture, the National Productivity Centre introduced its Corporate Enhancement Programme on March 26, 2024.

 The event saw the launch of the first edition of the Corporate Culture booklet, a milestone initiative undertaken by the Corporate Affairs and Information Department in collaboration with the Human Resource Management and Consultancy and Business Development Departments of the Centre.

In his opening remarks, the Director General, Dr Nasir Raji Mustapha shed light on the significance of corporate culture, emphasizing the importance of employees' attitudes towards their work and personal lives.

 He further stressed the need for passion and proactive contributions to the growth of the Centre, aimed at enhancing organizational practices and fostering a conducive work environment.

The event featured insightful presentations by officers, focused on key aspects of organizational culture and workplace ethics. Hajiya Maimuna Adaji, the Head of the Corporate Affairs and Information Department, delved into the intricacies of "improving NPC organisational culture," highlighting the pivotal role of organizational philosophy in shaping employee behavior and management practices.
Barrister Philip Idokwu, in his presentation on "Work Ethics and Discipline in the Workplace," underscored the importance of cultivating a culture of efficiency and effectiveness among staff members to drive organizational success. 

Similarly, Mrs. Tonye Ukwa's discourse on "5S Good Housekeeping" advocated for a systematic approach to enhancing workplace productivity through diligent maintenance practices.
Engineer Lynda Bitrus Elisa expounded Work Occupancy, urging employees to leverage their time at work to maximize productivity and add value to themselves and the Centre as a whole. 

The programme garnered overwhelming support from Directors across various departments, who commended the initiative as a significant step towards achieving organizational excellence.

In a show of commitment to the programme's objectives, management affirmed their dedication to fostering a collaborative work environment and holding staff accountable for upholding the Centre's corporate culture. Introductions were made for the newly appointed Information Desk Officers, signaling a progressive effort to enhance communication channels and promote a culture of transparency within the Centre.

As the event drew to a close, Mr. Martin Okonkwo, Deputy Director of the Corporate Affairs and Information Department, gave the Vote of Thanks, expressing optimism for the programme's success and reaffirming the Centre's commitment to sustaining a dynamic and growth-oriented workplace culture. The Director General also unveiled the Information Board.

The Corporate Enhancement Programme marked a pivotal moment in the Centre's journey towards organizational excellence.

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