Enumerating The Catalogue Achievements Of Hon Damkor With Tiev Representative Mandate In One Year | News Proof



Enumerating The Catalogue Achievements Of Hon Damkor With Tiev Representative Mandate In One Year

The basic tripartite functions of the Legislative arm Government is to make law, oversight and to ensure checks and balances are maintained by the Executive arm of Government with the aim of ensuring that, the real participatory democracy is fully in practice.

The quadragenarian young Law Maker, Hon Matthew Damkor, was sworn in as a Member Of the 10th Benue State House of Assembly Representing Tiev Constituency of Vandeikya, on the 5th June, 2023 after his landslide victory at the 2023 general elections.

The Pundit Legislator upon his assumption in office perfumed creditably, both in deliberations cum passage of sensitive bills that are targeted at complementing the execution of the Seven points agendas of the Fr Alia led administration.

In complementing the revolutionary efforts of the Fr Alia led administration devoid of Kleptocracy in Vandeikya Local Government precisely Tiev Constituency, the Chairman House Committee on Finance, Hon Matthew Damkor initiated and executed the following Projects: He drilled a Motorized borehole at St Thomas Catholic Rectory Tur, to cushion the problem of water scarcity around the area of Vandeikya Township, construction and refilling of a bridge in Mbayongo Council Ward, sponsored the registration of over 22 Women Cooperatives to give the Tiev Constituency women all the necessary requirements to access the huge cooperative empowerment of the Fr Alia led administration, employment of 15 Teachers at Mbakaange High school with the target to regained the academic lost glories of the Institution.

The Economic cum Agricultural expert, Damkor also make a history to the first Benue State House of Assembly Member to registered 32 students for Joint Admission and Matriculation Exams(Jamb,) he moved a motion at the floor of the Benue State House for the Benue State Government to visit and Compensate the victims of natural disasters of thunder storm in Mbayongo, through the Benue State Emergency Management Agency(B-SEMA.) Hon Damkor also facilitated the employment of over 10 Youths at the Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi.

With his commitment to queue into Rev Fr Dr Hyacinth Iormem Alia's administrative empowerment, Hon Matthew Damkor also Facilitated the empowerment of over 250 people of Tiev Constituency in the "Benue Care" empowerment programme initiated by the Rev. Gentleman's administration.

He Purchased high quality digital gadgets to 6 Youths across the six Council Wards in Tiev Constituency as well as facilitated the Federal government Nano grant for over 45 people in his Constituency. Hon Damkor also engaged 8 liaison officers across the 6 council wards in the constituency and is paying them handsomely well and other silent achievements.

There's no doubt that, Hon Matthew Damkor has performed creditably and is effectively managing the mandate bestowed on him by the reputable good people of Tiev Constituency.

We called on the Tiev Constituency people to continue to give their enormous support to the Youth parliamentarian to succeed on his Mandate and beyond.

Damkor Media Team.

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