At no time I did say Buhari was doing well at any pace - Dr. Okonjo-Iweala | News Proof



At no time I did say Buhari was doing well at any pace - Dr. Okonjo-Iweala

By Dansu Peter 

A former Minister of Finance of Nigeria, now the Director-General of World Trade Organization, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has denied ever saying President Muhammadu Buhari was doing well at a certain pace as being brandished in an online post for a very long time. 

The minister who was one of the most prominent and powerful ministers in Ex-president Goodluck Jonathan's administration until 2015 made the denial in a Facebook post on her verified page. 

Sometime last year, precisely around January 2021, a viral online statement was credited to the minister as saying; "I didn't expect President Buhari to do well at the pace he is doing now. 
Goodluck Jonathan was overpowered by the Governor's forum. The moment they heard that we have some money, they would come with some bogus demands, and if Goodluck Jonathan refused, they would claim all kinds of laws or bring in politics"

"Anyone blaming or criticizing President Buhari does not the situation he met the country. President Buhari is doing marvelously well and needs to be commended" 
-Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala 

This statement, just debunk some minutes ago on her verified Facebook page, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala 

The reason why it took the former Minister so long to deny the statement or the sudden rebuttal is still not understandable.

Some of the viral post last year:

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