The pain of a woman, by Motunrayo Williams-Johnson | News Proof



The pain of a woman, by Motunrayo Williams-Johnson

By Motunrayo Williams-Johnson 

A woman is naturally a burden bearer, she can endure. A normal woman is not hard, she is a goal getter,  career driven , lovable. giver, visionary, soul lifter, change agent,  multiplier, a forgiver, very tender, etc.

I am talking about the attributes of the ideal woman not a killer, not a disdainful one, not a deceiver, not a dictator, not a bully;  however, it's certain an average woman has the animalistic tendencies, if chased like a dog might turn to bark but often time, her weaknesses lies in choices and decision making especially in a delicate situation with the tale of the untold story of her feelings.

She knows what she wants but might take time to arrive; she can persevere no matter your game with her.

A woman is endowed with talents that money cannot acquire but in her, lies an horrible sight. Possessing a good spirit, she could make impact beyond one's imagination.

She is pained when her mistakes cannot be pardoned, she is hurt when her feelings are toiled with and most painful when she cannot be trusted anymore.

Part of the pain of a woman is when her desires are not forthcoming yet she is seen as the cause of the problem.
She pretends to be happy just to make others happy even when her happiness is obviously dicy.

She is just but you countlessly injure her, bruises in her heart, time they say heal scars but in her case her emotional imbalance hinder her healing except with few who believe to move on with time.

But her strength lies in what she can gain for others to avoid pain.

A woman is a powerful tool for both negative and positive influence, so tread softly and be mindful of her position.

Often times she finds herself in a rumble scenes with problem of what she wants, what is available, what she loves but the society has stereotype her what she must do and she struggles between all of these to make herself happy; yet if care is not taken, the society will judge her by her actions even when they are not in her shoes.
I am talking about a pillar who will forever fight for the peace of her Nation....
Are you a woman of influence?
A life of no impact is a life of no value.

For more enquiries about match making and other domestic cases, contact Kami Empowerment Foundation on 08170752386

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