We Will Respect Every Member Of Our Party- Omakolo | News Proof



We Will Respect Every Member Of Our Party- Omakolo

…Rescinds the Suspension of Hon. Alfred Berger, Others from APC

The acting Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Benue State, Hon. Benjamin Omakolo, has said the party leadership under his watch will respect all party members and equally show reverence to constituted authorities in a bid to foster good relationship within the party in the state.

The chairman stated this on Sunday, February 11th, 2024, while he was addressing the members of the press, in Makurdi.  

According to the Chairman, his emergence is a major intervention by the State Executive Committee of the APC under the watch of Governor Hyacinth Iormem Alia, to bring the party back to the path of peace and tranquility.

Hon. Omakolo, who described the APC under his watch as one with a renewed commitment to due process, said he has rescinded the suspensions of the member representing Makurdi North at the Benue State House of Assembly, Hon Berger Alfred Emberga, Secretary to the Government of Benue State, Prof Joseph Alakali, Special Adviser to the Governor on Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Dr. Dennis Akura, Mr. Vitalis Utor, Mr. Zachariah Peven, Mr. Joseph Kongo, Mr. Homga Terwase, Awambe Celestine as well as Mr. Tyegh Steven, which were supervised by the suspended chairman, Hon. Austin Agada.

He described the APC as the most progressive party in Nigeria, saying it is the only viable political organization currently in Benue State, a feat he said, has been made possible by the painstaking efforts of the party’s frontiers.

He extolled the excellent performances of the governor Alia led administration in the state, saying the governor's sterling leadership qualities and firm commitment to the welfare and development of state, has put smiles on the faces of the Benue people, with a call on the governor to continue in the same strides, promising the party leadership’s continued support.  

“His vigorous enforcement of prompt payment of salaries to civil servants, desperate crave for infrastructural development as visibly put in place in all our senatorial districts as well as the various policy implementations aimed at making Benue State a safe haven for economic investments are historical and top-notch. We thank you and your team and ask you to do more. Be assured of our sustained support in this regard.”

While reaffirming his loyalty and confidence in the National leadership of the APC, the federal government under President Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu, the government of Benue State under His Excellency, Rev. Fr.  Hyacinth Iormem Alia, the Benue state House of Assembly under Speaker Aondona Dajoh, representatives at the state and national level as well as local government caretaker committees, the chairman charged the local government chapters of the party to continue to pursue the tenets of oneness so as to keep the APC united for future elections.

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